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Another First

This day has been three years in the making, the day that I start nursing school. I can't even believe that I get to type that. I love envisioning my life as a nurse someday and today is another first step on that path. As a theatre artist I have grown accustomed to first rehearsals and as Peter Brook famously wrote, "The purpose of the first rehearsal is get to the second." I have always loved that quote because it is the perfect level of expectation that you need to start the rehearsal process of a show. I think the beginning of a journey (like nursing school) needs to start with a similar level of expectation. The purpose of the first day of nursing school is to get to the second day of nursing school. So, with expectations at a surprisingly but appropriately low level I start my first day. I know this will not be easy, but I also know it will be well worth it. Becoming a nurse is a relatively new life goal of mine. I always thought that theatre and education would b

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